02 December 2020

Congratulations, you have reached the final level of 2020

I don't often blog here, and yet today I am drawn to it.

This year sucks, hands down.  Things have been canceled that I wanted to do and places I have wanted to go have been closed.

But none of that matters right now.  At least, it doesn't anymore

You see, I got word that a friend from WAY back when I was still a single lady and extremely shy (not that I am an outgoing person to this day) passed away this past week.  This was a friend with whom I used to talk for HOURS on end about anything and everything, and he oddly enough was one of the ones who encouraged me to "go for it" when meeting my now-husband.  And now he's gone, struck suddenly down in middle age.

I have cried ugly tears tonight, and have had some bittersweet thoughts about this dear friend.  But in mourning this loss, I also have reconnected with friends from that time period, friends I didn't think I'd EVER talk to again, as WE mourn our friend.

And right now, I feel oddly hopeful.  Perhaps it is by design that this is the week of Hope in the Advent calendar.  We hope for better things to come.  We hope for better chances.  We hope to have one last time to talk, to connect, to say the things that matter.

This year has been an emotional rollercoaster, but we've made it... Let's keep hoping we can go far, and then actually put that hope into action.

Don't just wish for one more chance.... write a letter, send a text, make a phone call to say what you want to say (I'm a letter/email writer myself because thoughts are easier to type than to speak!)  Don't be afraid to love your friends.

Love and Miss you, dear friend

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